Title: The Effect of Lexical Coverage on L2 Learners’ Reading Comprehension of Narrative and Expository Genres
Student: Tianjiao SONG (Tina)
Supervisor: Prof. Barry Lee Reynolds
Date: 7th December 2020
Ms. Tianjiao SONG (Tina) presented her research article titled “The Effect of Lexical Coverage on L2 Learners’ Reading Comprehension of Narrative and Expository Genres” for her doctoral qualifying exam.
In this study, she took a rigid methodology by creating seven lexical coverage versions of two distinct genres (i.e., narrative and expository) and controlled a range of reader-related factors such as L2 vocabulary size, in order to examine the unique contribution of lexical coverage to L2 reading comprehension.
The qualifying exam lasted for 60 min., including a 30-min. presentation and a 30-min. Q&A session. Tina successfully passed the qualifying exam based on her good performance in her presentation and the Q&A session.