Reynolds, B.L. & Huang, Y.L. (2006). American Cuisine. Red Bean Publishers: Chiayi, Taiwan. (ISBN: 986-8218-02-0)
About this Book
American Cuisine is a collection of materials (lesson plans, teaching/learning materials, assessment measures, and related materials) for use in an integrated skills and content-based English as a foreign language course aimed at helping students improve communicative skills for socializing about English cooking. The main goals of the course are to help students develop oral communicative abilities, familiarize themselves with English recipes, learn how to prepare common American dishes, be able to give an organized presentation, and create a recipe booklet.

Reynolds, B.L. (under contract). Second Language Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition. Singapore: Springer Nature.
About this Book
Coming soon…

[15] He, X., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2025). Adaptable teaching of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation: Enhancing fluency and engagement through online apps. In N.A. Nazari & A.M. Riazi (Eds.), Adaptable English Language Teaching: Advances and Frameworks for Responding to New Circumstances (pp. 195-210). Routledge. *corresponding author doi:10.4324/9781003361701-16
[14] Soyoof, A., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2024). The role of mother and siblings in enhancing two young Iranian EFL students’ willingness to communicate in a second language through serious game play. In J.S. Lee, D. Zoo, & M.M. Gu (Eds.), Technology and English Language Teaching in a Changing World (pp. 61-71). Palgrave Macmillan Cham. *corresponding author doi:10.1007/978-3-031-51540-8_5
[13] Reynolds, B.L. (2023). Introduction: A scoping review of second language vocabulary learning in the wild. In B.L. Reynolds (Ed.), Vocabulary learning in the wild (pp. 1-63). Singapore: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-981-99-1490-6_1 (ISBN: 978-981-99-1489-0)
[12] Song, T., Reynolds, B.L.* (2022). Breaking through opacity and idiomaticity: Teaching English phrasal verbs using conceptual metaphors. In L. Lopriore (Ed.), Transforming Practices for the English as a Foreign Language Classroom, (pp. 93-110). Alexandria: TESOL International Association. (ISBN: 978-1-942799-51-1) *corresponding author
[11] Reynolds, B.L.*, Ding, C., Li, J.Z. (2022). Pre-service primary teachers’ perceptions of a primary education program and an English language teaching practicum: A Macau case study. In M.S. Khine & Y. Liu (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Teacher Education, (pp. 351-377). Singapore: Springer. (ISBN: 978-981-16-9784-5) doi:10.1007/978-981-16-9785-2_18 *corresponding author (28/DSESHSS-UM/2019 & HSS-UMAC-2020-07)
[10] Shieh, J.-J., Reynolds, B.L.*, Ha, X.V. (2022). Oral feedback on pre-service teachers’ English language lesson plans: A Macau case study. In M.S. Khine & Y. Liu (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Teacher Education, (pp. 417-439). Singapore: Springer. (ISBN: 978-981-16-9784-5) doi:10.1007/978-981-16-9785-2_21 *corresponding author
[9] Reynolds, B.L.* (2021). Teaching English writing in Chinese speaking regions. In B.L. Reynolds & M.F. Teng (Eds), Innovative Approaches in Teaching English Writing to Chinese Speakers, (pp. 1-17). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. (ISBN: 978-1-5015-1779-2) *corresponding author
[8] Reynolds, B.L.* (2021). Practice and future directions for developing Chinese speakers’ English writing across different education levels. In B.L. Reynolds & M.F. Teng (Eds), Innovative Approaches in Teaching English Writing to Chinese Speakers, (pp. 257-270). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. (ISBN: 978-1-5015-1779-2) *corresponding author
[7] Teng, M.F., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2019). English foreign and second language literacy development in Chinese Speaking Asia: What do we know?. In B.L. Reynolds & M.F. Teng (Eds.), English Literacy Instruction for Chinese Speakers (pp. 3-13). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. (ISBN: 978-981-13-6652-9) *corresponding author
[6] Teng, M.F., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2019). English foreign and second language literacy instruction in Chinese Speaking Asia: Future directions and implications. In B.L. Reynolds & M.F. Teng (Eds.), English Literacy Instruction for Chinese Speakers (pp. 369-378). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. (ISBN: 978-981-13-6652-9) *corresponding author
[5] Ding, C., & Reynolds, B.L.* (2019). English literacy development in mainland Chinese secondary English classrooms: Pedagogical recommendations for enhancing formulaic language. In B.L. Reynolds & M.F. Teng (Eds.), English Literacy Instruction for Chinese Speakers (pp. 111-126). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. (ISBN: 978-981-13-6652-9) (SRG2016-00079-FED) *corresponding author
[4] Reynolds, B.L.*, & Chang, S.-I. (2018). Empowering Taiwanese pre-service EFL teachers through a picture book community service project. In F. Copland & S. Garton (Eds.), Voices from the TESOL Classroom: Participant Inquiries in Young Learner Classes (pp. 7-14). Alexandria, Virginia: TESOL Press. (ISBN: 978-1-945351-15-0) *corresponding author
[3] Kao, C.-W., Reynolds, B.L., & Liauh, Y.-H.E. (2016). EFL writers’ beliefs about grammar learning and correction. In Department of English, Taipei University of Technology (Ed.), Selected Papers from the APLX2015 International Conference on Applied Linguistics (15-32). Taipei, Taiwan: Crane Publishing Co., Ltd. (ISBN: 978-986-147-729-9) (MOST 103-2410-H-010-015-)
[2] Reynolds, B.L.* & Yu, M.H. (2016). Using web-based video technologies to increase Taiwanese university staff’s willingness to use ELF. In L. Lopriore & E. Grazzi (Eds.), Intercultural Communication: New Perspectives from ELF (pp. 131-144). Rome, Italy: Rome Tre Press. (ISBN: 978-88-97524-63-2) *corresponding author
[1] Reynolds, B.L. (2016). The effect of L2 learners’ vocabulary size on the incidental acquisition of vocabulary through the reading of a novel. In National Chiayi University Department of Foreign Languages (Ed.), NCYU Inquiry in Applied Linguistics: The 2015 Issue – Theme: Linguistics Applied Across Borders (1-22). Taipei, Taiwan: Crane Publishing Co., Ltd. (ISBN: 978-986-147-731-2) (MOST 103-2410-H-010-015-)