Dr. Barry Lee Reynolds is Associate Professor of English Language Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Macau (UM). His university level service duties include serving as University Senate Member (2018-2022), Academic Quality Assurance Committee Member (2018-2020), Research Committee Member (2020-2022), and Academic Staff Advisor for the Centre for Teaching and Learning Enhancement (2020-2023). In addition, he has served on numerous faculty level committees and provided various community-related services. As one of the primary faculty members in the UM Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences, he works in the subarea of Brain and Language Cognition. Within the Faculty of Education, he is affiliated with the Educational Research Center and the Center for Early Childhood Education and Child Development. He served the Faculty of Education as the programme coordinator of the master’s programme (2022-2023) and currently serves the Faculty of Education as the programme director of the master’s programme (2023-Present). He has served as non-Resident Fellow in Moon Chun Memorial College (MCMC) residential college since 2018 and has been affiliated with MCMC since 2017. Shortly after arriving to UM, he formed the Applied Linguistics, Language, and Literacy (ALLL) lab. Dr. Reynolds welcomes students interested in conducting Master’s and PhD vocabulary acquisition and/or eye tracking thesis research.
Dr. Reynolds completed his Ph.D. in Learning and Instruction at Central University in Taiwan, MA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages at Murray State University in the USA, and BA in English with a double minor in Creative Writing and Computer Information Systems at Morehead State University in the USA. Dr. Reynolds has taught English for General Purposes, English for Academic Purposes, English for Specific Purposes, and trained language teachers at thirteen institutions in the USA, Taiwan, and Macau. He received the 2014 and 2015 Excellent Teaching Award from the Yang-Ming University School of Medicine and the 2014 Outstanding Academic Research Achievement Award from the Yang-Ming University School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Due to his exceptional research output at the University of Macau, the Faculty of Education awarded him the 2019-2020 Faculty-Level Research Award and the 2020-2021 Outstanding Academic Staff Award. He currently teaches courses on English Teacher Education and Applied Linguistics for the Faculty of Education at the University of Macau. Within the Faculty of Education, he has assisted with curriculum development for the Bachelor of Secondary Education (English) and the Master of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction with English Language Education concentration. In 2019, he was awarded the honor of ‘half-blue’ by the MCMC residental college for his university student life and development service.
Dr. Reynolds’s interests in the areas of Vocabulary Acquisition, Second Language Literacy Education, and Computer Assisted Language Learning were solidified during his graduate school years. These interests have matured, and he now conducts interdisciplinary research in related areas, including Written Corrective Feedback and L2 Vocabulary Development, Phraseology and Formulaic Language, Extensive Reading, L2 Vocabulary Learning Strategies, Vocabulary Translation, Digital Game-Based Language Learning, Language Teacher Education, among others. His publications have appeared in numerous flagship international journals including TESOL Quarterly, Applied Linguistics, Computers and Education, Applied Linguistics Review, Reading Research Quarterly, English for Specific Purposes, British Journal of Educational Technology, ELT Journal, System, Literacy, Review of Cognitive Linguistics, International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, English Teaching: Practice and Critique, Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, Language and Education, and English Today, among others.
Dr. Reynolds serves on the editorial board for English Teaching & Learning, Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, The Linguistics Journal, International Journal of TESOL Studies, and International Journal of Technology-Enhanced Education; he served on The Asian EFL Journal editorial board from 2015 to 2019. He serves as Section Editor (First Language Acquisition and Second Language Acquisition / Second Language Education) for Open Linguistics, Academic Editor for Education Research International, and Associate Editor for Frontiers in Psychology. He has edited special issues for Journal of Language and Education, TESOL Journal, Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, and The Asian EFL Journal. He also serves as an ad hoc reviewer for a number of international journals and book publishers; his review work earned him the 2018 Publons Peer Review Award (Top 1% of Reviewers in Social Sciences, General – Position #28). He has edited five books: Vocabulary Learning in the Wild (2023, Springer), Innovative Approaches in Teaching Writing to Chinese Speakers (2021, De Gruyter Mouton), English Literacy Instruction for Chinese Speakers (2019, Palgrave Macmillan), Research into Second Language Chinese and English Literacy Instruction (2017, Central University Press & Yuan-Liou Publishing Co., Ltd.), and Second Language Reading and Writing: Investigations into Chinese and English (2013, Central University Press & Yuan-Liou Publishing Co., Ltd.). He has reviewed papers and served as committee member for a number of international conferences including the Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, the International Workshop on Advanced E-Learning, the International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, the Global Chinese Conference on Inquiry Learning Innovations and Applications, the International Conference on Applied Linguistics, among others. He has also been invited to give lectures, seminars, and workshops in Taiwan, Macau, and the USA. He has been a member of the British Association for Applied Linguistics since 2012 and Asia TEFL since 2017.