Acta Psychologica (SSCI)

IEEE Transactions on Education (SCIE/SCOPUS)

Frontiers in Education (ESCI/Scopus)

Digital Health (SSCI)

Early Years (SSCI)

Discover Education (Scopus)

Interactive Learning Environments (SSCI)

Language Matters (SSCI)

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research (SSCI)

New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia (SCIE)

Journal of Educational Technology Systems

international Journal of Early Years Education (ESCI)

Journal of Further and Higher Education (ESCI)

Educational Studies AESA (ESCI)

Language Learning & Technology (SSCI)

Open Education Studies (SCOPUS)

Psychology of Music (SSCI)

Action in Teacher Education (SCOPUS)

Thinking Skills and Creativity (SSCI)

Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (SCOPUS)

International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (SSCI)

Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (SSCI)

ITL-International Journal of Applied Linguistics (ESCI)

Psychology in the Schools (SSCI)

Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (ESCI)

Journal of Educational Computing Research (SSCI)

Early Child Development and Care (SSCI)


European Journal of Education (SSCI)

Perceptual and Motor Skills (SSCI)

Cogent Social Sciences (ESCI/SCOPUS)

Language Teaching for Young Learners (ESCI/SCOPUS)

Social Sciences and Humanities Open (SCOPUS)

Journal of Education for Teaching (SSCI)

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (SSCI)

Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education (SCOPUS)

IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (SSCI)

Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence (SCOPUS)

Applied Psycholinguistics (SSCI)

IRAL-International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (SSCI)

International Journal of English Studies (ESCI/Scopus)

International Journal of Applied Linguistics (SSCI)

Education and Information Technologies (SSCI)

Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (SSCI)

Brain Sciences (SCIE)

Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching (SSCI)

Heliyon (SCIE)

Metacognition and Learning (SSCI)

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (SSCI)

The Journal of Asia TEFL (SCOPUS/ESCI)

Educational Research Review (SSCI)

Learning and Individual Differences (SSCI)

IEEE Access (SCIE)

Cogent Education (SCOPUS/ESCI)

Asia Pacific Journal of Education (SSCI)

Sage Open (SSCI)

Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics (SCOPUS/ESCI)

Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching (SCOPUS/ESCI)

Language Teaching Research (SSCI)


International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (SCOPUS/ESCI)

SpringerPlus (SSCI)

Studies in Second Language Acquisition (SSCI)

Language Learning (SSCI)

TESOL Quarterly (SSCI)

Journal of Educational Technology & Society (SSCI)

The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (SSCI)

Taiwan Journal of TESOL (SCOPUS/ESCI)

Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education (ESCI)

Computer Assisted Language Learning (SSCI)

Applied Cognitive Psychology (SSCI)

Computers & Education (SSCI)

New Horizons in English Studies

Reading Research Quarterly (SSCI)

System (SSCI)

Applied Linguistics Review (SSCI)

English Teaching & Learning (SCOPUS/ESCI)

The Asian EFL Journal Quarterly (SCOPUS/ESCI)

The Linguistics Journal (SCOPUS)

Language Teaching (SSCI)

Journal of Writing Research (SCOPUS/ESCI)

Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology (SCOPUS)

Education Research International (SCOPUS)

Studies in Educational Evaluation (SSCI)

Applied Linguistics (SSCI)

Journal of English for Academic Purposes (SSCI)

British Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI)

RELC Journal (SSCI)

The Language Learning Journal (SCOPUS/ESCI)

Children (SCIE)

Education Sciences (SCOPUS/ESCI)

Transactions on Learning Technologies (SSCI)


Reading in a Foreign Language (ESCI)

Sustainability (SSCI)

Behavioral Sciences (SSCI)