Speaker: Mr. William Chong Hang LEONG

Deputy Director and Secondary Administrator (Assistant Principal), School of the Nations, Macau

Date: 25 April 2024

Time: 18:30-19:30

Venue: Room E33 – G021, Faculty of Education

Language: English, Cantonese, and Mandarin

Title: Real-world Education Work Experience and Opportunity in Macau


This workshop will illuminate the educational work environment in Macau, providing a comprehensive overview of its realities. Participants will gain invaluable insights into potential job opportunities available for master’s graduates specializing in various education degrees, both within Macau and for mainland graduates seeking opportunities in the region. Additionally, the workshop will cover the desired qualifications, qualities, and expertise sought after by educational institutions in Macau from an administrative perspective. Understanding these requirements is essential for aspiring professionals aiming to excel in the field of education within the region. Through this interactive workshop, participants will gain a deeper understanding of navigating educational career pathways in Macau.